Finished up the second story for May so off to a great start. This streak will gain more power as I truck along. I do have a surgery coming up, not sure when yet but I should be home the same day. Still I want to have an extra story in the bank just in case it turns into a non writing day. It shouldn't but I want to be prepared

Got into a great discussion about noir fiction with a writer friend of mine today and have some good story ideas.  I'm learning to add more emotion to my stories. Emotion gives stories power. Joyce carol Oates is a good one for this.

Been reading a Jim Thompson novel. I really like this guy. He has a sick and twisted sense of humor and I like how he just has characters appear out of nowhere, AFTER DARK MY SWEET . Now, what's there not to love about a title like that?  And this character has a serious attitude problem. Actually, there's not a nice person in this book at all as far as I can see. I'm loving it. Great fun.

see ya soon


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