May 1 WEEK 4

Okay, it's May 1 and the first story of the month is done.

Also this counts for the weekly story as well. One short story a day is about all I can manage and I have to write it in short periods. Too long and my arm get really tired because of the nerves.  The doctor says they don't want me not to use it but keep everything I do simple. No lifting, no running around outside doing things. They don't want me to do anything until after the second surgery follow up then they will talk light duty until things get back to working order.

This short story challenge allows me the freedom to play around. I'm trying out different things with my writing and in a few other genres.

I discovered while reading some others that I really like noir. Dark stories where the protagonist is self-destructing.

Not sure why I like those kinds of stories other than the fact that life tends to work that way. How many times do we find ourselves trying to solve a problem and we end up making it worse?

That's noir.

Writers like Richard Matheson are good for this. Though he is known primarily as a science fiction writer he has also written some other short novels.

Hunter Thompson is another and so can be Joyce Carol Oates which I've grown very fond of within these last couple days. So you may want to give of few of those guys try.

see ya soon


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