New year. New beginning.  Just been a while since my last post. This should be called the every now the every now and then blog

New goal is to write a short story a week for a year. I'm going to publish these once a month in a small collection.

I'm  also going to write a short novel every other month. So a lot of writing going on here but all very possible to do. This month's stories will be coming out this week.

I'll be posting here regularly for those wanting to follow along. I'll be posting about my ups and downs as a working writer as I show you how to do this while working a regular day job. I'll be sharing my experiences while working for the big C. Corporation, which is about as corrupt as politicians.

Also I'm not going to be politically correct here either. These are my opinions and are the opinions of several others as well.

More to follow.

This is going to be a blast.


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