
Showing posts from April, 2020

Getting back on track

Wow, have I lost my writing flow within these last couple of months. Not good but at times it does happen. Seems I allowed this whole virus thing get to me more than I thought. I just feel like I'm not producing near of what I'm capable of. So, what does a writer do when that happens? Restart. It just so happens that I recently received a reminder about Story A Day In May coming up so this will be a great way to jump back in. I'll end up with thirty-one stories by the end of the month and that is great You'll be able to follow along here as I post. Till then, see ya soon


If you haven't checked out my latest article at you may want to give it a quick read where I talk briefly about the story, Guts by Chuck Palaniuck and how people fainted during the reading. Very awesome to read a story that is known to make people faint.Fair warning though, this is not for the faint of heart. I've included the link to it here if you have the guts.
So, It's been a while since my last update so way over due. I think this whole virus thing going on had derailed a few things. Regardless I should be udating more than what I'm doing. Going out there squirting bugs and killing mice seems weird with everything pretty much shut down except for fast food drive thrus. Kind of creepy really and has an apocolypse feel to it. But, we shall get through it. Been working on a story for an anthology I'm going ot submit to called 'Evil Cookie Press' The name of the anothology is called Brewtality, so we'll see how that one goes. Just finished it last night and today I have a few touch ups I'm going to make that my creative mind came up with so I'm going to add that in. Very rarely do I take anything out, usually I add. I don't mess with what is already written down unless it's an obvious mistake. I fix errors and leave everything else alone. Also you should check out the new series on NetFlix called Bl...