NEW BLOG (Week 4)
New blog. New look in case you haven't noticed. I decided I wanted to make this more of a journal type blog and didn't want to mess with all the bells and whistles that come with a regular site. Plus this is free and simple to use. I think I'll be staying here for a while. So what's new? Lots. I've started a yearly challenge of writing a short story a week for an entire year. Actually longer than that. I need to keep this streak going past 72 weeks to beat my friend Harvey Stanbrough's record. So that's a lot of fun. Of course whenever you start anything new something always has to happen. For instance I got attacked by a pit bull while I was at work and he chewed my arm up pretty good. I'm off work right now and in between surgeries,s till I manged to get my story for the week done last week. I'm OK as long as I write in short periods throughout the day otherwise if I try and do too much I get sore. So easy does it wins the race. I'm...